Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spinning My Mind

Spinning my mind in circles
through my right ear, out my left eye.
The world keeps tugging along
dragging me on the end of its knotted rope.
My body scrapes against the rough patches
of fear, anger, and hate.
But the rope keeps pulling me forward.


I let go holding nothing back.
The world sits still in time
as I control my thoughts and my destiny.
Still life surrounds me as I skip
across the black heated pavement of disasters.

To stay unlatched forever
would be the only true escape.
Away from real fights,
real heartbreak,
and unwanted fate,
thats only waiting upon my return.


  1. you my sister are an amazing poet. I cant believe you wrote that. Thats incredible. You should publish a book.

  2. Wow!!!! Amazing!!! You are so good! Can I have your autograph?

  3. Michelle!!
    I just found you.
    I had no idea you wrote poetry. . . Oh my. That was beautiful!

  4. I really like this poem. Great post.
